If you have problems installing this theme, and your Desktop Theme program won't install the theme automatically, you can do it manually by going to Control Panel, apply the wallpaper and screensaver in Display, apply the sounds in Sounds and the cursors in Cursors. Here is a list of what goes with what. Sounds Asterisk Fleetwood Mac...Rhiannon Critical Stop Fleetwood Mac...Inner Demons Empty Recycle Bin Fleetwood Mac...Second Hand News Exclamation Fleetwood Mac...John on vocals Exit Windows Fleetwood Mac...Don't Stop Maximize Fleetwood Mac...Thanks a lot Minimize Fleetwood Mac...You guys are great New Mail Notification Fleetwood Mac...Go Your Own Way Open Program Fleetwood Mac...One, two, three Program Error Fleetwood Mac...John McVie Question Fleetwood Mac...Dreams Restore Down Fleetwood Mac...You guys are great Restore Up Fleetwood Mac...Thanks a loy Start Windows Fleetwood Mac...The Chain Cursors Alternate Select 3dyalt.ani Busy OS8Busy.ani Diagonal resize 1 3dydiagl.ani Diagonal resize 2 3dydiagr.ani Handwriting 3dypen.ani Help select 3dyhelp.ani Horizontal resize 3dyhor.ani Move 3dymove.ani Normal select Windows 85.cur Precision secect 3dycross.cur Text secect Windows 85 text.cur Unavailable 3dyno.ani Vertical resize 3dyvert.ani Working in background Win 85 Mac.ani